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Meeting Jesus! - Exploring the Basic Issues of Christian Faith  
ÀúÀÚ : Á¤¼º¹Î  |  ÃâÆÇ»ç : Ǫ¸¥ÃÊÀå
¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2008-03-21  |  (150*225)mm 239p  |  978-89-92817-22-6
  • ÆǸŰ¡ : 8,000¿ø ¡æ 7,200¿ø (10.0%, 800¿ø¡é)
  • Àû¸³±Ý : 400¿ø (5.0%)
  • ¹è¼Ûºñ : 2,300¿ø (12,000¿ø ÀÌ»ó ÁÖ¹®½Ã ¹«·á¹è¼Û)
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This book will make our heart pound.
Meet Jesus through this book!

God is larger than the universe!

The universe is an enormous space formed of countless galaxies. Each galaxy has trillions of stars in it and it takes a hundred thousand years to cross that galaxy at the speed of light. Considering that light goes around the earth seven and a half times in one second, we can imagine how big a galaxy is.

The writer of Psalms praised the greatness of God who created this grand universe.

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom"(Ps. 145:3).

To us who are living on the small green planet called earth, this grand universe seems so small. But, isn't it amazing to know that it takes trillions of years to get through this galaxy that looks so small?
1. Stories of God who made this universe
2. Stories of God's Special Love for the Earth
3. The living God
4. Beautiful Death
5. Oh, My Fate!
6. The Ultimate Religion
7. Meeting Jesus!
8. Following Jesus!
9. Stories of Guardian Angels
10. Stories of Blessed People
A book about how to meet God£ü
Dr. kim, Young-gil(President, Handong University)

Everyone is living a life which is led by God's unseen purpose. This book provides a clear demonstration of balance and harmony between human selection and God's prearranged grace. This book is like a compass that tells which way to go to meet God. I recommend this book for those who want to strengthen their foundation of life and check its direction in this post-modern world.

A book that systematically explains the word of God£ü
Rev. Billy Jang Hwan Kim(President, Far East Broadcasting Company)

This book has easily explained systematic theology borrrowing the form of story telling. It will help believers to systematically understand the Word of God and also it will make the distance between church and seminary closer.

A book that gives conviction that Christianity is the one and only religion£ü
Dr. Mock, Chang-gyun(President, Seoul Theological University)

This book provides a theological alternative which can resolve doctrinal disagreements between denominations in Korean churches. It also proves that Christianity is the true religion in 21st century Korean society where pluralism is so prevalent.

A Prescription from a Christian dialectic expert for modern people£ü
Dr. Park, Sung-min(President, C.C.C. Korea)

Professor Jung, Sung-min is an expert in 'Christian dialectic'. To people who are struggling in the sea of post-modernism that says that everything is relative and everything can be the truth, this book suggests the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way in an easy but undiluted method.

A book that arranges a beautiful engagement with Jesus£ü
Rev. Shin, Kyoung-ha(President of council of bishops, Korean Methodist Church)

It is a very special event to experience Christ in our daily lives. This book is an appropriate book to arrange and present that beautiful moment to people.

A heart pounding book£ü
Dr. Jung, Keun-mo(President, Myoung-ji University)

This is a book that warmly comforts us when we are in times of trouble and when our heart is dried up. This book will make our heart pound. Meet Jesus through this book!

A book that will bring revival and growth to the Korean church£ü
Dr. Hong, Young-ki(Head, Church Growth Research Institute)

This book contains serious theological examinations and it includes interesting and heart-touching stories which make it easier to understand difficult Christian doctrines.
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