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[¿µ¹®ÆÇ] ¾î¸°ÀÌ Å¥Æ¼ÀÎ QTin Kids (2024³â 8¿ù)   ³¯¸¶´Ù ťƼÇÏ´Â ¾î¸°ÀÌ
ÀúÀÚ : QTM ÆíÁýºÎ  |  ÃâÆÇ»ç : QTM
¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2024-08-01  |  (187*257)mm 102p  |  ISSN 2800-034X
  • ÆǸŰ¡ : 10,000¿ø ¡æ 9,500¿ø (5.0%, 500¿ø¡é)
  • Àû¸³±Ý : 300¿ø (3.0%)
  • ¹è¼Ûºñ : 2,300¿ø (20,000¿ø ÀÌ»ó ÁÖ¹®½Ã ¹«·á¹è¼Û)
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QTin, a devotional guiding many souls to Jesus Christ, restoring the broken families, and reviving the church¡±

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Ever since its first issue published in 2012, QTin devotional series, dedicated to reviving churches, restoring families and saving people¡¯s lives starting from Wooridle Church in Seoul, South Korea, have been distributed for the past decade.

¡¶Å¥Æ¼ÀΡ·Àº ťƼ¿¥(ťƼ¼±±³È¸)¿¡¼­ Áö³­ 2012³â¿¡ â°£Çß´ø ¸»¾¸¹¬»óÁöÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ±¸¼Ó»çÀû º»¹®Çؼ³°ú 60¿© ¸íÀÇ Æò½Åµµ°¡ ÁýÇÊÇÑ ¹¬»ó°£Áõ ¹× ´Ù¾çÇÑ ÀÐÀ»°Å¸®¸¦ ´ãÀº ¡¶Å¥Æ¼ÀΡ·Àº ±×µ¿¾È ¿ì¸®µé±³È¸ ¼ºµµµéÀ» À§ÇÑ ¹¬»óÁö·Î °Ý¿ù°£ ¹ßÇàµÇ¾úÀ¸³ª Çؿܸ¦ ºñ·ÔÇÑ ¿ÜºÎ Á¤±â±¸µ¶ÀÚÀÇ ¼ö°¡ ¸Å³â ±Þ¼ÓÈ÷ Áõ°¡ÇÔ¿¡ µû¶ó 2018³â 1,2¿ù È£ºÎÅÍ ¡®Å¥Æ¼ÀÎ ½Ã¸®Áî 4Á¾¡¯À» Àü±¹ ¼­Á¡¿¡ ½ÃÆÇÇÏ°Ô µÈ °ÍÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
QTin, full of diverse inspiring contents and testimonies of 60 ordinary christian believers every two months, is a bible devotional magazine that QTM first published in 2012. It was originally targeted to the congregation of Wooridle Church, but with the drastic increase of subscribers even from abroad, we have started the official distribution of our devotional magazines in secular bookstores too.

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Furthermore, to facilitate the bible meditation through all generations with a same reading every day, QTin Teens and QTin Kids are published in 2013 and 2014 with honest testimonies of our kids and teenager readers provided. Lastly but not least, QTin Sprouts for preschoolers was launched completing the full line up of our devotional series. In addition, as the number of foreign readers have been increasing as well, QTin English started its first issue in ebook format September 2019 which naturally led to the its very first printed copy in January 2020.
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Below are the publisher¡¯s notes from Rev. Yangjae Kim who has started QTM(Quiet Time Movement) to save souls, revive churches and reconcile broken families with Bible meditation movement.

* ¡¶¾î¸°ÀÌ Å¥Æ¼ÀΡ· ¹ßÇàÀÎ, ±è¾çÀç ¸ñ»çÀÇ ¹ß°£»ç Preface of Rev. Kim, Yangjae, Publisher of

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I started my QT(Quiet Time) in 1980. The Lord taught me to meditate on God¡¯s Word with him in silence through my bible devotion book and that dramatically changed the direction of my life. It brought me to share my greed, sufferings and sinfulness with the believers around me. And as the word of God started to fill my heart every day, the span of my ministry has become wider and wider. I would say it is my God-given mission to ¡°save souls, reconcile families and revive his churches¡± so He has found and led Wooridle Church and QTM Publishing House until today. It has been his work that we could launch QTin devotional series from 2012 to 2016 so all generation can meditate on the same bible passage every day. QTin series have a short history but these books have been reconciling churches, families and lost souls with Jesus Christ with the testimonies and devotions of the Gospel and Jesus Christ. Now, QTin series are reaching out to the bookstores all around the country. I¡¯m especially thankful to be able to encounter the believers in His Word every day. As God has exposed his work to restore people¡¯s lives, families and churches through this devotional, I pray that the distribution of QTin can result in fruitfulness of our readers¡® faith in Him. So, QTin kids! I want to encourage you to do QT and pray with me so you can witness the wonder of mustard seed this year!

* Ã¥ ¼Ò°³ Introduction

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is a monthly magazine aimed for the kids of 9 to 13 (elementary level) This devotional book helps the readers grow as a star of the kingdom of God in the midst the evil and adulterous generation by confessing the sins, obsessions and scars and applying the Word to their lives.

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Explanations at children¡¯s level
Devotions written by writers with long QT experiences will guide the readers to understand the bible with redemption history of Jesus Christ and have fun in their quite time.

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Testimonies that lighten our QT like jewels
Testimonies of the 60 kids readers and Sunday school teachers are prepared to help those who might find it difficult to ponder upon bible reading of the day.

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Lord¡¯s Day Activities
With one of the ures from the weekdays meditations, a Lord¡¯s Day Activity, which can help remind the devotions of the week and reflect on yourselves through family time and small group gathering, is provided with various games and craft worksheets.

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Contents aimed at elementary school kids
Various contents like ¡´Grow in Faith Bible Toon¡µ, ¡´Quiet Time With A Great Man¡µ and ¡´Quiet Time for Your Dream¡µ are provided to attract our kids readers attention of the book.

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Activity Worksheets that can promote children¡¯s participation in the meditation
¡¶Paper Toys¡· of important people and objects from the ure reading can help the readers visualize the devotions that the readers had read and meditated on.
* New International reader¡¯s Version ¿µ¾î¼º°æ º»¹® »ç¿ë
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- ¡¶¾î¸°ÀÌ Å¥Æ¼ÀΡ· 2024³â 8¿ù È£ ¡®¿ì¸® ťƼÇß¾î¿ä¡¯ Áß¿¡¼­

I like buying things. When I saw the film and decoration materials for photo card packaging, I bought a lot of it without much thought. But when I got home, I realized they weren't something I really needed. In today's Passage, Eliashib carelessly provides a room in the courtyard to Tobiah (v. 7). I felt embarrassed because it seemed similar to how I had carelessly spent money that God had given me through my dad. I feel sorry for my dad who works hard to make money. From now on, I will cherish the things God has given me and use money carefully.

-From ¡®My Quiet Time¡¯ of QTin Kids August 2024

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I get inflammation around my eyes when my skin gets dry. That's why my parents tell me to put lotion on my face every day. However, the inflammation didn't get any better because I kept on putting it off with the excuse that the lotion was too sticky and that it was such a hassle to put it on. In today's passage, Nehemiah rebukes the Israelites who had married foreigners (v. 25). When I look at Nehemiah warning the Israelites to bring them back to the right path, I think that what my parents said to me was not nagging, but loving advice. From now on, I will listen to whatever my parents say and obey.

-From ¡®Feature: Children Chewing on the Word of God Every Day¡¯ of ¡¶QTin Kids¡· August 2024

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King of My Family
Lee, Haim | 6th grade

I came home after school and had fun playing with my younger brother. Then I asked my mom if she would play with me, but she said no, saying she was sick. I knew that my mom was sick at first, but it seemed that she was okay because she still cooked dinner and washed the dishes. So I got upset at her and said, ¡°Why don¡¯t you play with me?¡± My brother also pushed my mother's back. My grandmother, who was watching all this, scolded me and my brother. In today's Passage, I saw King Nebuchadnezzar getting angry when he couldn't solve his dream. I repented because he looked just like me (v. 12). From now on, I will speak to my mother politely and not rudely.

*Application: I apologize for speaking rudely to my mom.

-From ¡®Jewel Testimony¡¯ of August 5 in ¡¶QTin Kids¡·

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I Rely on God Only
[Jewel Testimony] Kim, Bonghee | Teacher

Last year, my mom fell and suffered severe brain injuries and is still unconscious. Just like King Nebuchadnezzar searched for all the wise men in Babylon (v. 6), I searched all over the internet to find a good doctor for her. But the good doctor I found said he didn't know when she would wake up, and I realized I could do nothing. Only then did I realize my sin of not being able to rely on God and only seeking worldly ways and knowledge? My mother is still in bed, but I believe that this is to strive for salvation. I will wait patiently and pray to God until the end.

*Application: I will pray for my family every day, followed by QT.

-From ¡®Jewel Testimony¡¯ of August 10 in ¡¶QTin Kids¡·
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¹ÏÀ½ÀÌ ¾¦¾¦ ¹ÙÀ̺í Å÷ 4
ťƼÆ÷Âø! ³¯¸¶´Ù ťƼÇÏ´Â ¾î¸°ÀÌ 8
ÁöÇý¸¦ ¸ð¾Æ¸ð¾Æ 12
À̹ø È£ ÇÑ´«¿¡ º¸±â 14
¾îÅ¥, ÀÌ·¸°Ô »ç¿ëÇØ¿ä! 17

August 2024
Grow in Faith - Bible Toon 4
Feature: Children Chewing on the Word of God Every Day 8
Wisdom Forum 12
At a Glance¦¢ Colossians, Nehemiah, Daniel 14
How to Use QTin Kids 17

8¿ù ťƼ
´ÀÇì¹Ì¾Æ(13), ´Ù´Ï¿¤, ½ÃÆí(31) 19
¿ì¸® ÇÔ²² Å¥µæÅ¥µæ (ÁÖÀÏ°ø°ú) 28, 44, 60, 76
¾îÅ¥ Ä£±¸µé, ¸ð¿©¶ó! 90
ÆÇ±Ç 92

Take a break
August QT
Proverbs(16-18), Esther, Psalms(22-30) 19
Lord¡¯s Day Activities 28, 44, 60, 76
We Are Jesus' Kids! 90

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ÆíÁýºÎ (3-8, 11, 14, 21-23, 25, 29)
±è¼ºÈ­ (12-13)
À̹ÎÈ­(15-20, 24. 26-28)

Swallow the Word of God
Editorial Department (Days 3-8, 11, 14, 21-23, 25, 29)
Bae, Yejun (Days 1-2)
Shin, Jongmoon (Days 9-10)
Kim, Seonghwa (Days 12-13)
Lee, Minhwa (Days 15-20, 24, 26-28)
Park, Sangsoo (Days 30-31)

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Lord¡¯s Day Activities
Oh, Hwayoon, Lee, Kyeongeun

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Translators of QTin Kids
Director: Rev. Jeong, Seung Nack
Editor: Kim, Christina
Project Manager: Jang, Iris
Translators: Park, Toni
Lee, Chung
Chun, Hyoung Joon
Kang, Christine
Jang, Lily
Kim, Sunny
Jang, Iris
Lee, Esth

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Some testimony writers use pen names at their request.
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