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[¿µ¹®ÆÇ] »õ½Ï ťƼÀÎ QTin Sprouts (2024³â 8¿ù)   1¼¼ºÎÅÍ 7¼¼±îÁöÀÇ ¹ÌÃëÇÐ ¾Æµ¿À» À§ÇÑ Å¥Æ¼Áö
ÀúÀÚ : QTM ÆíÁýºÎ  |  ÃâÆÇ»ç : QTM
¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2024-08-01  |  (210*297)mm 99p  |  ISSN 2800-0315
  • ÆǸŰ¡ : 10,000¿ø ¡æ 9,500¿ø (5.0%, 500¿ø¡é)
  • Àû¸³±Ý : 300¿ø (3.0%)
  • ¹è¼Ûºñ : 2,300¿ø (20,000¿ø ÀÌ»ó ÁÖ¹®½Ã ¹«·á¹è¼Û)
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¡°¡¶QTin Sprouts¡·, a devotional leading many souls to Jesus Christ, restoring the broken families, and reviving the churh¡±

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is a devotional first published in January 2016 for preschoolers with the same ural passages of .
From 2012, has led many people to Jesus Christ, restored the broken families, and revived Wooridle Church for last ten years. ¡¶QTin¡·, issued by QTM(Quiet Time Movement) in 2012, was first a devotional book with a ural interpretation based on redemptive history and the personal testimonies of about sixty laypersons of the church. While bimonthly publishing with those testimonies and stories for Wooridle Church members, from January 2018, ¡¶QTin¡· 4-piece series has been on sale at the public bookstores nationwide due to the increase in subscribers outside the church and even in Korea.
To help all generations to meditate on the Word of God every day, QTM has published ¡¶QTin Teens¡· (Korean) in 2013, ¡¶QTin Kids¡· (Korean) in 2014, and ¡¶QTin Sprouts¡· (Korean) in 2016 with the vivid testimonies from the readers, both kids and parents. Moreover, the increasing number of readers and subscribers from outside Korea, mainly from the English-speaking world, the English ¡¶QTin¡· has been published in the form of an eBook since September 2019, and started as a paper book in January 2020.
Next is Publisher¡¯s Notes of Rev. Kim, Yangjae when the first ¡¶QTin¡· was on sale at bookstores. In 2000, She began QTM (Quiet Time Movement) to start the movement of meditating the word of God to lead a soul to Jesus Christ, rebuild a broken family, and revive the church.

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* ¡¶Preface of Rev. Yangjae Kim, Publisher of ¡¶QTin Sprouts¡·
¡°A day in 1981, God taught me how to meditate on His words with doing QT. Through QT, I repented my sin before God and shared the sufferings in my life with people. The deeper I meditate on His words, the clearer I can discern my mission given by God in order to guide souls to Jesus Christ, restore the broken families, and revive the church. At last through me He has found ¡®QTM¡¯ and Wooridle Church.
In January 2012, the first ¡¶QTin¡· (Korean) for adults was published. Ever since the first ¡¶QTin¡·, the rest of ¡¶QTin¡·series has followed: ¡¶QTin Teens¡· (Korean) in 2013, ¡¶QTin Kids¡· (Korean) in 2014, and ¡¶QTin Sprouts¡· (Korean) in 2016. With the series, all generations of the family can read and meditate on ure together.
The distinctive characteristic of ¡¶QTin¡·, which you can read the Bible from the perspective of redemptive history and with many testimonies of laypersons, has been leading many souls to Jesus Christ, restoring the families, and reviving the church. Now ¡¶QTin¡· goes forward to bookstores nationwide to meet you, Sprouts families. When parents do ¡¶QTin¡·, children can do ¡¶QTin Sprouts¡·. And I pray that with the meditation on the Bible your family would bear a lot of fruit of God¡¯s kingdom.

Ã¥ ¼Ò°³ About ¡¶QTin Sprouts¡·
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¡¶QTin Sprouts¡· is a monthly devotional for preschoolers. Our kids growing and developing their body, mind, and spirit by doing QT with our parents every day. The well-illustrated contents and testimonies both from the parents and the kids will help grow our sprouts to become ¡®trees of faith¡¯ which are found every Wednesday and Lord¡¯s Day.

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Sprouts Grow in the Word
¡¶QTin Sprouts¡· uses the key verses in ¡®Let¡¯s Read the Word!¡¯ from the main text from ¡¶QTin¡·, the adult QT magazine. ¡®Let¡¯s Open Your Heart!¡¯ helps parents and kids to share questions and thoughts from the reading. ¡®Let¡¯s Follow the Word!¡¯ helps kids to grow in God¡¯s word in fun ways such as tracing the words, crafting, and coloring. Today¡¯s QT always closes in prayer which you can find in ¡®Amen, Amen! Let¡¯s Pray Together!

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Faith Community Come Together: QT Playground and Activity sheets
You can have your faith community come together and have fun at home and at church using ¡®QT Playground¡¯ which is found on every Lord¡¯s Day and is great for Sunday School lessons.

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Testimonies are on Every Wednesday and Lord¡¯s Day
The real story helps others to understand the word of God in our real life. We love to share parents¡¯ and kids¡¯ testimonies every Wednesday and Lord¡¯s Day.

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Variety of Reading Materials for Parents and Kids
We provide many reading materials such as the ¡®QT Song¡¯, ¡®Story of the Issue¡¯, ¡®Sprouts¡¯ Bible Story¡¯ and etc. ¡®Sprouts Learn, Love & Laugh¡¯ introduces fun crafts ideas that parents and kids can enjoy. ¡®Parenting Guide¡¯ shares the story of parents¡¯ thoughts on parenting and how to apply the word of God in our parenting life. ¡®Let¡¯s Read Together is recommending the books that are helpful for our parenting with the redemption history value.

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* Uses NIrV * Provides QT Activity Sheets / Stickers
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I like going to kid¡¯s cafes and block cafes more than going to church. I enjoy watching TV more than doing QT. However, Daniel did not eat the food provided by the king so as not to defile his body and mind (v. 8). Looking at Daniel, I also thought that I should not pollute my body and mind. From now on, I won't play around with my twin sister during QT time and I will only watch TV at the scheduled time. Kim, Ijun (7 years old)
From August 4 ¡®Let¡¯s Share Our Hearts!¡¯

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I hate brushing my teeth. So I run away when my mom brings the toothbrush. One day, my mom told me a secret. ¡°If you don¡¯t clean your teeth, they will all rot. Then you won¡¯t be able to eat the snacks, gummies, and chocolate that you like.¡± In today's Word, God told me what would happen in the future (v. 28), and my mother also told me what would happen in the future if I don¡¯t brush my teeth. From now on, whenever I don't feel like brushing my teeth, I will remember what my mom told me and brush my teeth thoroughly.Kim, Haseong (5 years old)
From August 7 ¡®Let¡¯s Share Our Hearts!¡¯

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Like King Nebuchadnezzar, I was relaxing at home and enjoying peace. One day, I didn't listen to what my husband said, leading to a big fight between us. We argued a lot and things even got physical. Then, I thought I should break up with my husband. I had trouble sleeping, and all the peace inside me disappeared, replaced by fear. (vv. 4-5). But the church community stopped me, advising me that ignoring my husband's words was a more serious sin. Only then, I found peace again, realizing that my actions to my husband were hurting my son. So, I repented of my sins. From now on, I will become a mother and a wife who gives peace to my husband and son. Yoo, Jihyeon (Dain's mother)
- From August 11 ¡®Let¡¯s Share Our Hearts!¡¯

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I like QT time because the activities in the QT book are fun. When it comes to reading the Word and praying, however, not so much. I oftentimes doodle and distract myself while my mom and dad explain the Words. One day, my pastor, who knew this way of my heart, told me, "The Words and prayer are the most important in QT." At that moment, I was shocked like King Belshazzar, who saw the finger writing on the wall (v. 5). From now on, I will try to focus on the Word and prayer during QT. Shin, Jiwoo (5 years old)
- From August 14 ¡®Let¡¯s Share Our Hearts!¡¯
Table of Contents

August 2024

003 Let's Do QTin Sprouts
004 Sprouts¡¯ Bible Story
010 How to Use ¡¶QTin Sprouts¡·
012 Stories of the Issue
014 August Sprouts¡¯ Bible Adventure
016 August Bible Stories
086 We Are Jesus¡¯ Sprouts!
088 Copyright
089 QT Activity Sheets / Stickers

* The font used on the cover is ¡®Fredoka One¡¯.
* ¡¶QTin Sprouts¡· uses New International Reader¡¯s Version Bible (NIrV).

- Let's Open Your Heart!

Kim, Seongwoo (Days 1-7)
Lee, Eunhye (Days 8-17)
Kim, Bora (Days 18-20)
Lee, Seonghoon (Days 21-22)
Choi, Yeeun (Days 23-29)
Choi, Seongjoon (Days 30-31)

- ¡®QT Playground¡¯: Yoon, Hyeyeon (August Week 1-Week 5)

- Let¡¯s Share Our Hearts!¡¯ on Wednesday and Lord¡¯s Day

Day 4 Kim, Yijun
Day 7 Kim, Haseong
Day 11 Yu, Jihyun (Dain¡¯s Mom)
Day 14 Shin, Jiwoo
Day 18 Lee, Siyoo
Day 21 Jang, Gyuri
Day 25 Lee, Yejin (Eunha and Hakyung¡¯s Mom)
Day 28 Yoon, Jaeha

- Special Thanks to Bethel Church Translation Team
Director Rev. Jeong, Seung Nack
Editor Kim, Christina
Project Manager Jang, Iris

Joo, Jay
Joo, Jenny
Park, Jungwon
Seoung, Deborah
Kim, Joanne
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